RepRap-REPlicating RAPid prototyper
[img_assist|nid=1053|title=|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=250|height=141]The RepRap project ("REPlicating RAPid prototyper") combines efforts from the fields of mechanical engineering, electronics and software development to conceive open 3D printers, which do not only turn (almost) arbitrary 3D models into tangible plastic objects, but can also replicate themselves. This presentation will explore the origins and goals of the RepRap project, the state-of-the-art, as well as current trends within the world-wide community, which harnesses the power of blogs and wikis to create and document incremental enhancements and entirely new approaches. Additionally, we will demonstrate popular free software packages, which pave the way from idea to tangible object. Of course, we will also show how to get started building your own RepRap. Hopefully we will have a working RepRap unit ("Mendel") or Makerbot on-site for a hands-on demonstration. Several local teams from Linz and Vienna will share their experiences with the audience.