!Mediengruppe Bitnik

!Mediengruppe Bitnik (read - the not mediengruppe bitnik) live and work in Zurich/London. Using Hacking as an artistic strategy, their works re-contextualise the familiar to allow for new readings of established structures and mechanisms.

They have been known to intervene into Londons surveillance space by hijacking CCTV cameras and replacing the video images with an invitation to play chess. In early 2013 !Mediengruppe Bitnik sent a parcel to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuodorian embassy. The parcel contained a camera which broadcast its journey through the postal system live on the internet. They call this work a system_test and a live mail art piece.

!Mediengruppe Bitniks works formulate fundamental questions concerning contemporary issues.

!Mediengruppe Bitnik are the artists Carmen Weisskopf & Domagoj Smoljo. Their accomplices are the London filmmaker and researcher Adnan Hazdi and the reporter Daniel Ryser.


Amro Contributions

Year Title Format
2014 Delivery For Mr. Assange (2013/2014) AMRO Showcase
2014 Exposing the Invisible Panel Panel
2014 Delivery For Mr. Assange (2013/2014) AMRO Showcase