Theremidi Orchestra (TO)
Luka Frelih (1974) is an artist working with computers and networks, a computer programmer, free software hacker and web designer. He's been a core member of Ljudmila - Ljubljana Digital Media Lab since its founding in 1994. He was in many collaborations connecting technology and art. Member of Makrolab, ASCII Art Ensemble and pioneering community projects: 7-11, Refresh, Remote-C. Programmed the instant ascii camera, a net art generator and more than one web map interface for positioned radio-linked roaming agents. Together with other Ljudmila programmers he developed the SLIX (Slovenian easy to use Linux) distribution and diverse free software tools to publish and manage multimedia databases on the web. Polyroids is a retro space lasers game he saved from bit-rot so he could play it again. Frida V. is a free mapping interface for bicycles he first built for DEAF 2004 and has been developing further since then. In 2009 a new all-in-1 Frida Box prototype series was developed, built and ridden in Paris, France. Pufination is a new species of interactive robots and an ecosystem simulation he developed with Robertina Šebjanič and others in 2008 at CyberPipe in Ljubljana. Laser tags are small two-axis laser vector projectors using a single mirror and a part of an optical drive (CD or DVD) pickup head as the actuator. Driven by an arduino or other signal sources, they are a suitable project for beginners exploring electronics. Documented on Instructables and built by many in several workshops since 2007.
Luka is also a contributor to the FLOSS Manuals project and currently maintainer of Objavi, the free software tool developed by FM for publishing HTML books in PDF and e-book formats.
Ida Hiršenfelder (1977) is a critic for contemporary art, assistant of DIVA Station (Digital Video Archive) at SCCA, Centre for Contemporary Arts-Ljubljana. She is preoccupied with archives and their disappearance, the digital life and the digital afterlife. She collaborates with Ljudmila – Ljubljana Digital Media Lab, and Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Arts. She publishes texts on contemporary art and feminism at Radio Student, Dnevnik Daily, Art Worlds Magazine, Maska Magazine, and in numerous exhibition catalogues, but essentially she remains a radio person - recording immersive sounds and strange conversations.
Tina Dolinšek (1987) is still studying Cultural Studies, though she is more into artificial intelligence and computers. While her diploma on artificial culture is on hold, she writes about culture and intermedia art for portal and Radio Student and is coordinator of educational activities at Ljudmila. One day she wants to record The Hum, till then any noise will do.
Robertina Šebjanič (1975) studied at Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts and sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana as well as at the Valand School of Fine Arts in Gothenburg (SE). In her art she uses different media (video, ambiental installations).
She is also active in multimedia and technologically designed projects in the context of modern artistic practice. Furthermore, she manages and leads educational workshops in the area of video art and documentation. She has often based and conceptualised the concepts for her ideas and projects in co-operation with other authors. She has exhibited in individual and group exhibitions as well as in international festivals in Slovenia and abroad (e.g. Device_Art 3.009, Zagreb (HR); Paraflows, Vienna (A); Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana; HAIP, Ljubljana; Amber, Istanbul (TR); Muzej savremene umjetnosti Vojvodina, Novi Sad (SR); KiBela Gallery, Maribor; SCCA, Ljubljana). Her video works are part of several video collections, among them of HEP (Human Emotion Project from 2009 onwards), Station DIVA presents (15 works of Slovenian video art – a historical overview), Videospotting.
She was a member of an informal group TEMP and of the board of editors of Pojmovnika slovenske umetnosti po letu 1945 / The Glossary of Slovene Art from 1945. In 2007 Robertina received the Ljubljana Academy of Fine Arts and Design award. Since 2009 she has been a co-ordinator and head of art and educational activities at LJUDMILA digital media lab in Ljubljana.
Borut Savski (1960) is an intermedia (multimedia) artist from Ljubljana. His background is electronics and music. In the past her has been involved/ working with Radio Student (1984 to this day), also on the level of productions. In 1994 he participated in starting up an experimental department which later (1997) became known as Ministry of Experiment and was involved into some pioneering activities in the field of “new media”. In 1999 he started with artistic work with cybernetic sound installation The Sound Biotope. More projects followed - the main focus was on “metaphor” - the meaning of expressions when observed from a larger perspective. Some concepts and objects resulted - all built as cybernetic robotic structures with some “abstract/ reduced autonomy” .In 2006 he returned to the efforts of collective platforms resulting in a festival Intermediate Spaces (Graz and Ljubljana) and a year later - the Cirkulacija 2 initiative in ex-factory Rog. The collective/ participative work also includes sharing of knowledge - as in this case.
Matic Urbanija (1976) is a doctoral student at Department of Asian and African studies (Faculty of Arts), University of Ljubljana. In 2009 he participated in performance “Dangerous history of yellow danger”. He played a bad, bad capitalist and also designed some sound effects. He is currently a member of Theremidi Orchestra which performed at festival Kiblix 2011 in Maribor and at ŠKUC gallery in Ljubljana (April 2012).
Dušan Zidar (1962), completed post-graduated studies of sculpture at Academy of Fine Arts, Ljubljana. I work as Associate professor at Educational Faculty, University of Maribor. As a visual artist he was exhibiting on various national and international exhibitions.
Dare Pejić (1983) is a doctoral candidate at the Sociology of Culture programme at Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. He writes for the, the on-line encylopedia of culture in Slovenia, financed by the former Ministry of Culture and supported by Ljubljana Digital Media Lab (Ljudmila), and is a member of Creative Commons Slovenia. He used to work as self-employed in culture and has collaborated with Radio Študent and other media. Since 2010 he is involved in the organisation of the International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns. Currently he works in the administration. He is fond of old and new media.
Tilen Sepič (1984) is working on his graduate project about DIY culture on Academy of fine arts and design, Ljubljana. He is interested in experimental and interactive video, applicable studio photography and perception studies based on human sensory inputs. As a co founder of "Creative zone Šiška" and product design group Rompom (2009) he works in the fields of applicable and interior design and public installations. He is founder of cycling enthusiasts community which focuses on encouraging people in bicycle-commuting and promotes DIY. He is doing various collaborations with creative group "Zek" and "Multipraktik" and was invited to do few street art "tapeart" assignments in Ljubljana and Moscow. He uses video as a media for research and experiments in viral behavior on web. With his latest interests in lifehacking, brain hacking and neuroscience he puts himself even further in search of the meaning of life.
Saša Spačal (1978) is new media artist and graphic designer, who has expanded her knowledge of computer graphics, web and video production at various workshops, and who is currently working in the fields of graphic design, real-time interactive video production and intermedia art both in Slovenia and abroad.
She has taken part in exhibitions and projects in Moderna galerija, Galerija Škuc and Galerija Alkatraz. As a member of Temp group she had participated in public interventions and installations, in the development of strategies for alternative use of abandoned spaces, and in exhibitions Open Rog, Pogovarjanja/Conversations/ Conversas, Mapping / Archiving / Analysing the Lost Spaces of Art. As a researcher, she had taken part in the international research project Performing the City. Art Actionism in Public Space in 1960s/1970s that had made its rounds in Munich, Naples, São Paulo, and Paris. Her latest interactive installation 7K: new life form was presented in Slovenia at Haip festival, Czech Republic at Enter 5: Datapolis, art/sci/tech biennial Prague, and Turkey at AmberFest’11: Next Ecology.
Currently she is studying the connections of various media, technological and biological organisms in the field of interactive visualisation while developing brainwave responsive audiovisual object Synergy and developing strategies for usage of physical interfaces for generating sound and visuals as a member of Theremidi Orchestra.

Amro Contributions
Year | Title | Format |
2012 | Theremidi Orchestra | Performance |
2012 | Small electronics noise gadgets workshop in Linz - Make a Theremidi Orchestra | Workshop |