Autor, Künstler und Kurator. Arbeitet im Bereich Medienkunst und Netzkultur. Untersucht Beziehungen zwischen Kunst und Freier Software an den Digital Studios der Goldsmiths University of London. Gründungsredakteur des Online-Magazins Telepolis; Autor der Bücher „Netzpiraten“ und „Freie Netze“.
Contributors 2010

Arturo Castro studied computer engineering and has been working for some time now in different creative projects. Currently he colaborates with Zachary Lieberman and Theodore Watson in the tool for creative programing openFrameworks

Audrey Samson (CA) is an artist-researcher currently completing a PhD at the School of Creative Media in Hong Kong. Her performative installations explore how memory and technical objects are iteratively reconfigured and entangled in the context of networked data archiving. Her artistic approach, informed by the cultural context of technology, is ethnographical and rooted in software studies. Samson's work has been presented at festivals and galleries throughout the Asia Pacific, Europe, and Canada.

Albert, Özalp and Birgit have different various common and uncommon backgrounds from street art, media art and design, music and do-it-yourself hacktivism and are now studying together at the Master „Networked Media“ at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam.
Birgit Bachler (A/NL)-
Albert Jongstra (NL)-
Özalp Eroz (TR)-

Claudia Ossandón has worked as an independent performer, VJ and freelance activist. She works organizing Generatech since 2007, making diferent free software video and stream workshops in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, A Corunha, Santiago de Chile, Valparaiso. Since 2009 she is part of , a videolab streaming collective based in Barcelona. is a collective of artists, anthropologists, engineers, developers and musicologists focusing in the aural phenomena. Considering the experience of sound as a means of gathering information, they aim to reflect upon the acoustic forms of sociability, rethinking the urban landscape and social relationships.
Enrique Tomas details

Felix Stalder teaches digital culture at the Zurich University of the Arts, researches at the World Information Institute in Vienna and a moderates , a critical nexus of the discourse on net culture, since 1995. His work focuses on the intersection of cultural, political and technological dynamics, in particular on new modes of commons-based production, copyright and transformation of subjectivity. He's the author/editor of numerous books, among other "Manuel Castells and the Theory of the Network Society" (Polity Press, 2006) "Deep Search.

Florian Cramer, geb. 1969, Literatur- und Kunstwissenschaftler, Leiter
des Networked Media-Masterstudienprogramms sowie des Forschungsprojekts
Communication in a Digital Age am Piet Zwart Institute der Willem de
Kooning Academy Rotterdam.

Florian Stöffelmayr is student of software science at university of technology graz, recently works as curator of the MedienKunstLabor (MKL) at Kunsthaus Graz. He also works as Freelancer in the creative Area, is co-founder of and is doing the openArtist Linux Distribution, as a one-man show until now.