Software Defined Radio (SDR) detects sound by an antenna and converts it with an analog-to-digital device to a data-stream. The process of reading the signal and transformation is mostly inaccurate since it picks up a lot of of interferences, undesired by developers of analog-to-digital protocol. The AMonFM / SDR harvests such sonic disruption and unclear frequencies caused by physical processes such as electromagnetic resonance. It reveals the unpredictable beauty of analogue sound sources. I harvest various frequencies in audio or electromagnetic spectrums, which are outside the range of a human hearing. Often, such frequencies come in extremely high and sharp form, when transposed to the human hearing range. These are exactly the frequencies that attract me most. I am producing such sound in an attempt to shift the flow of conscious thinking. From this perspective, the production of such sounds is political. It nullifies the capacity to be productive and efficient – the two imperatives imposed by capitalist mode of reproduction. At the same time, these sounds are not particularly entertaining, and they offer relaxation only to the people who refuse to be relaxed in an anaesthetic way. The performance ideally works as a jammer for thought pollution.



Deutsche Beschreibung

Software Defined Radio (SDR) detects sound by an antenna and converts it with an analog-to-digital device to a data-stream. The process of reading the signal and transformation is mostly inaccurate since it picks up a lot of of interferences, undesired by developers of analog-to-digital protocol. The AMonFM / SDR harvests such sonic disruption and unclear frequencies caused by physical processes such as electromagnetic resonance. It reveals the unpredictable beauty of analogue sound sources. I harvest various frequencies in audio or electromagnetic spectrums, which are outside the range of a human hearing. Often, such frequencies come in extremely high and sharp form, when transposed to the human hearing range. These are exactly the frequencies that attract me most. I am producing such sound in an attempt to shift the flow of conscious thinking. From this perspective, the production of such sounds is political. It nullifies the capacity to be productive and efficient – the two imperatives imposed by capitalist mode of reproduction. At the same time, these sounds are not particularly entertaining, and they offer relaxation only to the people who refuse to be relaxed in an anaesthetic way. The performance ideally works as a jammer for thought pollution.